Pages 88 – 99

  1. Forgive Me My Trespasses
  2. I Don’t Remember “Michael”
  3. I Heard Nothing
  4. My Fly Returns
  5. Are People Like Fly’s
  6. Am I Worthy?
  7. Delving In.
  8. Am I Dead?
  9. Back on track??? (need to find notes.)
  10. Forgive me my trespasses.
  11. Neophyte

for KING & COUNTRY – O God Forgive Us


Trespassing through a chain-link fence. In my video search for Forgive Me my trespasses as I Forgive those that trespass against me. This spoke to me.

Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

Pages 88 – 99

Danny just came to mind another Dangle in my life

Forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those that trespass against me.

This verse was seemingly repeated over and over last night in my head. was it the scriptures playing on YouTube? or was it something I needed to hear?

I write this as I am led to write to Rene’

Today is Sunday, May 23rd. I don’t know what day it was when wrote these. I was so clear then and yet I am not clear of anything at any time except when I meditate and talk to God. I feel I must do this now and then continue. it is stormy out and most likely not a Sunday Funday. 


My Spiritual awakening journey Blog

Memoirs again Really?

I don’t remember why but thinking of Angels while talking with Don and getting high..

I ordered Michael the movie with John Travolta and as I was writing the soundbar which is in the main salon and me at the table.



Page 79 & 80

Continued: The soundbar was very loud. Dangel Flacko just showed up to distract or bless me not sure as of right now–

The soundbar was loud in the cabin salon but I heard nothing but the silence of my thoughts.

Then Dangel Don spoke to me to interrupt my writings and the soundbar came alive. Loud I heard words Don asked me something all I could say is I must have heard what I needed to hear.

I am guessing by the next page that I heard something about God supplying all our needs and all we need to do is have the total faith and acceptance of what we In-Vision.


9 Why Do i do the things I do

Need to pray and accept.

I need to accept and will pray for $50,000 I actually could use 100K to remove the IRS from my life – Where is it – They do not know it comes from my FATHER.

Why did I write this they do not know it comes from my Father. Everything that ever is and ever will be, has already been created.

As I stopped to thank God for the blessings of the funds & Dangels Jim’s boat my fly returned buzzing in my ear, tickling my arm Distracting my knowing.

Today as I write May 23rd not 22nd. I really have no need or want for anything as I put these thoughts of a month ago down on paper.


Love and Question all

Pages 81, 82 83 84

So my little fly is not here to encourage but distract my prayer.

Hmm-hmm. interesting

Are people like flys? Why do most humans play the distraction game of the fly?

Buzzing in our ears the concsience fears of doubt over knowing. Why as humand do we do that? I will re-read and start again.

We are all One You are Me

Thanking God

For my blessings for my new boat from Jim, for the funds that are mine for the asking.

Fear keeps me from asking  How silly is that. 

Am I Worthy YES His words say I am His Grace allows it. 

Only I stop Him from helping He is willing and able.


Bless all those that do you wrong they are you.

I will delve into this in my notes and Bible and reference why we sabotage Ourselves.

He makes it clear. Clear Understanding

Am I Dead? If I am and your are reading this…Know it is my greatest gift.

To love is to give. To give is to love you will never run out of what you give.

Wondering if I am dead seems weird but is a common occurrence throughout the next few weeks.

We are all One You are Me

Back on track.

Need to get back to not being affraid to ask for what is already my inheritance from God.

Bless all those that do you wrong they are you.

Pages 85, 86, 87

The Neophyte page

We are all One You are Me

Why did I write this?

Why do we accept from <-> What grip do I need to realize what reality is?

Don –

Look Up Memwars memrorious, memoir is any narrative writing based on the author’s personal memories and are thus understood to be true

My side notes: Don again Don, mentioned Freckless – Scotts with kilts ineffective  – irresponsible then I see inept, without the purpose of life.

Well, that sucks.

On page 39 I asked myself “Am I a new soul?” hmm are we all? Are we just learning what we have forgotten? Are we being helped by the Don’s of the world? I know I am. Hopefully, you already know this.


Somewhere in my conversations, this came up about the thyroid, 




Thyroid makes regulating hormones to the rest of the …rest of the The brain controls all good.

Why did I write the brain controls. Let me explain a book by Dr. Joe Despenza called breaking the habit of being yourself.

A great book for learning the aspects of meditation the right way. as well as understanding the rules of quantum physics. I have always questioned. 

Why did science finally catch up to God in a way that was explained over 2000 plus years ago. by the great teachers and masters. 

Did they have to prove that we are 99.999999999 % Energy and only 0.0000009% Matter just to prove what has always been taught to those that would have an open mind and realization of reality when it came? 

But Dr Joe, explains the firing and wiring of the brain. How the get this THYROID. controls most of all the body functions. 

So people if you believe you need to correct anything in your immune system or body See it as it is Done. and it will be. Faith healed me of cancer symptoms. I am here for a reason. 


We are all One You are Me

Hung by the tongue

Manor influence is words

Hung by the tongue

As deflected again.

I mentioned the cancer, that was back 30 years ago. I also read this book back then called hung by the tongue, I recently just re-read it and it still holds the truth of faith and speaking. What we say does influence our being. 

We are all One You are Me
We are One One Love One Race One Person in different bodies

Photo by Ann on Unsplash


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